List of Publications

Conference Papers

[C6][Internetware'22] Bug Report Priority Prediction Using Developer-Oriented Socio-Technical Features
Zijie Huang, Zhiqing Shao*, Guisheng Fan*, Huiqun Yu, Kang Yang, Ziyi Zhou.
13th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware. 2022, 202-211.
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[C5][ICCQ'22] To What Extent eCan Code Quality be Improved by Eliminating Test Smells?
Haitao Wu, Ruidi Yin, Jianhua Gao, Zijie Huang, Huajun Huang.
Contribution as Co-Author: Conception, Methodology, Proofreading
2nd International Conference on Code Quality. 2022, 19-26.
Preprint | Publisher Page

[C4][QRS'21] Automatic Identification of High Impact Bug Report by Test Smells of Textual Similar Bug Reports.
Jianshu Ding, Guisheng Fan*, Huiqun Yu*, Zijie Huang*.
Contribution as Corresponding Author: Conception, Methodology, Experiment, Writing
21st IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security. 2022, 446-457.
Preprint | Publisher Page

[C3][CollaborateCom'21] An Empirical Study of Model-Agnostic Interpretation Technique for Just-in-Time Software Defect Prediction.
Xingguang Yang, Huiqun Yu, Guisheng Fan, Zijie Huang, Kang Yang, Ziyi Zhou.
Contribution as Co-Author: Conception, Proofreading
17th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing. 2022, 420-438.
Preprint | Publisher Page

[C2][ICPC'21] Predicting Community Smells’ Occurrence on Individual Developers by Sentiments.
Zijie Huang, Zhiqing Shao, Guisheng Fan, Jianhua Gao, Ziyi Zhou, Kang Yang, Xingguang Yang.
29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension. 2021: 230-241.
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[C1][SEKE'19] The Smell of Blood: Evaluating Anemia and Bloodshot Symptoms in Web Applications.
Zijie Huang, Junhua Chen, Jianhua Gao.
33rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 2019: 141-146.

Journal Papers

[J18][TSE 24] Learning to Generate Structured Code Summaries from Hybrid Code Context.
Ziyi Zhou, Mingchen Li, Huiqun Yu*, Guisheng Fan*, Penghui Yang, Zijie Huang
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2024, to Appear.

[J17][EXSY 24] A Code Change-Oriented Approach to Just-In-Time Defect Prediction with Multiple Input Semantic Fusion.
Teng Huang, Huiqun Yu*, Guisheng Fan*, Zijie Huang*, Chenyu Wu
Expert Systems, 2024, to Appear.

[J16][JSS 24] On The Effectiveness of Developer Features in Code Smell Prioritization: A Replication Study.
Zijie Huang, Huiqun Yu*, Guisheng Fan*, Zhiqing Shao, Ziyi Zhou, Mingchen Li.
Journal of Systems and Software, 2024, 210: Article No. 111968.
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[J15][SQJ 24] Exploring Better Alternatives to Size Metrics for Explainable Software Defect Prediction.
Chenchen Chai, Guisheng Fan*, Huiqun Yu*, Zijie Huang*.
Software Quality Journal, 2023, 32: 459–486.
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[J14][PeerJ CS 23] Student Learning Performance Prediction Based on Online Behavior: An Empirical Study During The COVID-19 Pandemic.
Yiyi Liu, Zijie Huang, Gong Wang*.
PeerJ Computer Science, 2023, 9: Article No. e1507.

[J13][ESWA 24] Aligning XAI Explanations with Software Developers' Expectations: A Case Study with Code Smell Prioritization.
Zijie Huang, Huiqun Yu*, Guisheng Fan, Zhiqing Shao, Mingchen Li, Yuguo Liang.
Expert Systems With Applications, 2024, 238(A), Article No. 121640.
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[J12][NEUCOM 23] Enhancing Code Summarization with Action Word Prediction.
Mingchen Li, Huiqun Yu*, Guisheng Fan*, Ziyi Zhou, Zijie Huang.
Neurocomputing, 2024, 563: Article No. 126777.
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[J11][JSEP 23] Bug Report Priority Prediction Using Social and Technical Features.
Zijie Huang, Zhiqing Shao*, Guisheng Fan*, Huiqun Yu, Kang Yang, Ziyi Zhou.
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2023, 36(6): Article No. e2616.

[J10][TSE 23] Towards Retrieval-Based Neural Code Summarization: A Meta-Learning Approach.
Ziyi Zhou, Huiqun Yu*, Guisheng Fan*, Zijie Huang, Kang Yang.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2023, 49(4): 3008-3031.
Contribution as Co-Author: Manual Assessment, Editing, Proofreading
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[J9][IJSEKE 22] Class Change Prediction by Incorporating Community Smell: An Empirical Study.
Qingyuan Dou, Junhua Chen, Jianhua Gao, Zijie Huang.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2022, 32(09): 1369-1388.
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[J8][ASEJ 22] HQLgen: Deep Learning Based HQL Query Generation from Program Context.
Ziyi Zhou, Huiqun Yu, Guisheng Fan, Zijie Huang, Kang Yang, Jiayin Zhang.
Automated Software Engineering, 2022, 29: Article No. 55.
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[J7][IJSEKE 22] Automatic Identification of High Impact Bug Report by Product and Test Code Quality.
Jianshu Ding, Guisheng Fan*, Huiqun Yu, Zijie Huang*.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2022, 32(06): 893-916.
Preprint | Publisher Page

[J6][IJSEKE 22] Code Generation with Hybrid of Structural and Semantic Features Retrieval.
Kang Yang, Huiqun Yu, Guisheng Fan, Zijie Huang, Ziyi Zhou.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2022, 32(03): 457-478.
Contribution as Co-Author: Editing, Proofreading
Preprint | Publisher Page

[J5][SCP 22] HBSniff: A Static Analysis Tool for Java Hibernate Object-Relational Mapping Code Smell Detection.
Zijie Huang, Zhiqing Shao*, Guisheng Fan*, Huiqun Yu, Kang Yang, Ziyi Zhou.
Science of Computer Programming, 2022, 217: Article No. 102778.
Tool Documentation & Preprint | Publisher Page

[J4][JSEP 21] A Graph Sequence Neural Architecture for Next Code Completion with Semantic Structure Features.
Kang Yang, Huiqun Yu, Guisheng Fan, Xingguang Yang, Zijie Huang.
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2022, 34(1): Article No. e2414.
Contribution as Co-Author: Editing, Proofreading
Preprint | Publisher Page

[J3][IST 21] Summarizing Source Code with Hierarchical Code Representation.
Ziyi Zhou, Huiqun Yu, Guisheng Fan, Zijie Huang, Xingguang Yang.
Information and Software Technology, 2022, 143: Article No. 106761.
Contribution as Co-Author: Conception, Proofreading
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[J2][JCST 22] Community Smell Occurrence Prediction on Multi-Granularity by Developer-Oriented Features and Process Metrics.
Zijie Huang, Zhiqing Shao, Guisheng Fan, Huiqun Yu, Xingguang Yang, Kang Yang.
Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2022, 37(1): 182-206.
Preprint | Publisher Page

[J1][IJSEKE 21] Python Code Smell Refactoring Route Generation Based on Association Rule And Correlation.
Guanglei Wang, Junhua Chen, Jianhua Gao, Zijie Huang.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 2021, 31(9): 1329-1347.
Contribution as Co-Author: Methodology, Writing
Preprint | Publisher Page

中文(In Chinese)

The list is available in the Chinese site.